
Sunday 9 June 2024

Attenborough CES, Visit 5 - Sunday 9 June

This morning we made our fifth visit to the Constant Effort Site for 2024. 

A smaller total than expected, but with some interesting captures and the star bird was a Jay (photos below). 

We finished on 25 birds, including just 3 juveniles (birds fledged recently) and 1 'control' bird (a bird not ringed by our group) and we await details of this control: a Reed Warbler.

Weather wise, the morning started encouragingly, going overcast and with not too much breeze (good catching conditions) but as the breeze increased, billowing the mist nets, it brought in short spells of fine drizzle with the occasional sunny spell.

Todays catch comprised: 5x Blackcap, 1x Robin, 4x Reed Warbler, 3x Chiffchaff, 1x Wren, 1x Cetti's Warbler, 1x Jay, 1x Song Thrush, 1x Dunnock, 1x Great Tit.

Kev B



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