
Saturday 31 August 2024

Passerine primary feather #10

It is recognised that all European passerines have 10 primary feathers, which are often numbered for reference, but confusingly this can be done in both directions. Here I am using the system which numbers descendently - meaning the innermost is #1 and the outermost #10. 

In some passerine families, such as Alaudidae (larks), Hirundinidae (swallows), Motacillidae (pipits & wagtails), Bombycillidae (waxwings), Fringillidae (finches) and Emberizidae (buntings), the outermost primary (#10) is sometimes very small and difficult to detect (Svensson - Identification Guide to European Passerines).

This is also recognised in Moult and Ageing of European Passerines by Jenni & Winkler: “In some passerine species, the outermost primary is about half as long as the adjacent one (e.g., Wren Troglodytes troglodytes), but in most species P10 is very much reduced. In the Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Passcridae, Fringillidae and Emberizidae, P10 is extremely small and difficult to detect under the primary coverts.”

In the guide Moult in Birds by Ginn & Melville, they go one step further and describe the relative length of P10 and give it a description, e.g. for Wren it is P:10 o.r.

This means that Wrens have 10 primary feathers but the Outermost is Reduced (o.r.). But what do these descriptions look like and how do they affect our ability to accurately score moult?

o.r. - outermost reduced

Wren - P:10 o.r. = outermost reduced

Blackcap - P:10 o.r. = outermost reduced


o.m.r. - outermost much reduced

Robin - P:10 o.m.r. - outermost much reduced

v.r. - very reduced

Dunnock - P9+1 v.r.

So, for these families, it should be relatively easy to identify P10, or if it is missing, and therefore accurately determine a primary moult score for all 10 primaries.

But what about those families whose outer primary is tiny and difficult to detect?

For these species, Ginn & Melville describe P10 as m. 'minute' or v. 'vestigial'. Like this example for Bullfinch - P:9+1 m.

m. - minute

Bullfinch - P9+1 m.

The only passerines with a vestigial outer primary (P:9+1 v.) I can find in Ginn & Melville are Swallow, House Martin, Sand Martin and Bearded Tit.

Vestigial “is most often used in biology to describe something that either didn’t finish developing or has become, through evolution, pretty much useless”.

So, it’s pretty difficult to allocate a moult score to a feather we may not even be able to find.

Fortunately, guidance from the BTO, as found in A Field Reference Guide for Ringing and Nest Recording allows that for passerines with P10 which cannot be accurately scored, X, small outer feather not scored, can be added to the primary moult score, e.g. 555555432X.

However, with some knowledge of the length of the outermost primary and the expected moult sequence of passerines, some judgement should be used here. For example, if P9 is still an old feather then in all probability P10 will also still be an old feather. Likewise, if P9 is a new, fully grown feather, it is highly likely that primary 10 is also a new, or very nearly, fully grown feather. In these instances, the appropriate score can be added.

Mick P

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Holme Pierrepont - Monday 26 August

What else would we do on a bank holiday Monday but go to Skylarks NR? The weather was mostly
calm and sunny, though the breeze picked up a little as the morning progressed. There appeared to be
a lot of birds flitting around the bushes as we set up, and the first couple of net rounds produced
a surprising number of birds (considering the total birds for last week was 12, we weren’t sure
what to expect this week).

We finished up with a total of 69 birds including 8 retraps: Chiffchaff 28, Blackcap 13, Reed
Warbler 10, Lesser Whitethroat 7, Garden Warbler 5, Willow Warbler 3, Wren 1, Song Thrush 1,
Blackbird 1.

Although the numbers of passage warblers was good, it was overall a limited species list with
hardly any resident species. Notably, we didn’t catch any Robins, Dunnocks or tits. 

It was lovely to have two new people, Adele and Rebecca, come along for the morning to
experience bird ringing. They asked really good questions and were so keen to learn more
about each bird species and what we look for when ageing and sexing them.

Josh shared his homemade cinnamon spice cake which was absolutely delicious, and the
blackberries remain plentiful. 


Monday 19 August 2024

Gedling Country Park - Friday 2 August

I'd not visited Gedling Country Park since January, having decided to wait autumn passage to start, as I didn't think there would be much to catch in spring and during the breeding season. I had my first visit on 21 July, and just put up the nets in the positions I had used previously, in the scrubby area to the west of the park. One net was reasonably productive, but the other only caught a handful of birds - its position being less than ideal against a backdrop of thick birch woodland.

I visited about a week later to cut out a couple of new rides in the more sparsely vegetated scrub nearby, just two areas - one enough for a 12m net the other only a 9m. These looked much more suitable for catching migrant warblers, with low hawthorn and birch scrub within a mix of more open areas.
A couple of days later I returned and got the nets up. One net had a tape playing mixed warblers, and the other the phyllosc/lotti/crest mix that I've found to be very effective so far.

I was pleasantly surprised to catch a total of 51 birds, and it was one of those days where I think I could have stayed and caught steadily all day, but obviously this has implications in the welfare of the birds, and with time restraints of my own I packed up around 1130, having had nets up for around 4 hrs.

It was a pleasure to handle a few species I haven't really had experience of in the hand since acquiring my C permit, particularly Whitethroat, but also having numerous Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers, rather than catching the odd 1 or 2 a year in the garden. A few Linnet also came to tape at the end of the session.

Totals for the day were 9 Willow Warbler, 9 Blue Tit, 8 Great Tit, 8 Chiffchaff, 3 Long-tailed Tit, 3 Linnet, 3 Robin, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Dunnock and singles of Goldcrest, Blackcap and Goldfinch. There was also one retrap Blue Tit.

Hopefully I'll manage a couple more sessions before turning my attention to Meadow Pipits in September.


Sunday 18 August 2024

Ramsdale Park Golf Club - Sunday 18 August

This morning we caught our annual Tree Pipit. Only one this time, where last year we caught
three. It was a young bird in bright, fresh plumage, already on its southerly migration. 

It was also good to finally get a catch of Blackcaps, and dare I say it, even Blue Tits, which have
had a terrible breeding season.

Overall it was still markedly quiet though and the only birds that found the net were right next to
the tape lures.

Totals: 13 Blackcap, 9 Blue Tit, 5 Chiffchaff, 5 Great Tit, 2 Garden Warbler, 1 Wren, 1 Willow
Warbler, 1 Tree Pipit, 1 Robin, 1 Dunnock, 1 Coal Tit.


Tree Pipit (HJ)



Some proud box owners in Epperstone managed to get pictures of their young Kestrels a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed they are still going strong. 

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Holme Pierrepont - Sunday 11 August

A still and bright morning greeted us for the second visit to Holme Pierrpont (Skylarks NR) this week. All the usual nets were set and we were quite hopeful after a reasonable catch on Thursday.

However, it was a very quiet start, with only 3 birds in the nets first round. Sadly, it continued to be very quiet all morning, as the sun shone on a lot of the nets and it got hotter.

Of the 12 birds caught, all were juvenile, except the single willow warbler, which had completed its moult. The two retraps were the Bullfinch and Blue Tit.

Final numbers: 1 Bullfinch, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Garden Warbler, 4 Reed Warbler, 1 Cetti's Warbler.

However, at least there was time to enjoy the insect life and blackberries.

This site has changed so much over the last 10 years I've been visiting it with SNRG, so much more growth of trees and undergrowth, with many of the old rides no longer visible.


net ride (SL)

Southern Hawker (HJ)

Goldfinch update: 100+ colour-ringed

We've now ringed 119 Goldfinches in Nottingham with yellow colour-rings that we hope people can resight in their gardens and inform new data on population size, distribution, migration, and survival rates.

Of those 119, 57% have been juveniles, and that number is only going to increase as now is the time when young Goldfinches start to flock and move around to find food. It’ll be peak Goldfinch season in gardens over the next couple of months.

You'll need binoculars or a good camera to be able to read the two-digit alphanumeric code on the ring. At the moment, all the rings we're using are yellow with black text, and the ring is on the left leg.

Email your sightings to

Pictured is a juvenile Goldfinch with the combination 'IL' who visits our garden often and was ringed on 13 July.

Thank you to the funders who made this research possible: East Midlands Airport Community Fund, Mansfield Building Society and Lush Charity Pot.



Holme Pierrepont - Thursday 8 August

Although it seemed fairly quiet at Skylarks with not much song or movement of birds, we had
another decent mid-week catch with a total of 68 birds caught including 6 retraps. The surprises
were the high number of Chiffchaffs and the low number of Blackcaps. It was good to see a
few Sedge Warblers and Lesser Whitethroats.

We saw a good example of a fault bar in the Cetti’s Warbler - a dark line across the tail
indicating that when the bird was growing in the nest it experienced a period of poor weather.
Also, some castellations in the tail of a young Willow Warbler - tiny chips out of the ends of the
tail feathers from when the bird was growing in a domed nest.

The final totals were: Chiffchaff 27, Blackcap 8, Reed Warbler 8, Willow Warbler 3, Robin 3, Lesser
Whitethroat 3, Garden Warbler 3, Wren 2, Long-tailed Tit 2, Sedge Warbler 2, Blue Tit 2, Great
Tit 2, Dunnock 1, Cetti’s Warbler 1, Bullfinch 1.

Our adventures in baking continued this time with a strawberry and rhubarb pie. 


Cetti's Warbler growth bar (JP)

Sedge Warbler (SL)

juvenile Willow Warbler tail showing castellations (HJ)

Ramsdale Park Gold Club – Sunday 4 August

We went up to the golf club near Calverton for the first time this year. As a result, the net rides were very overgrown and required a lot of treading down. Despite the weather forecasts, patches of drizzle moved through mid-morning. The site seemed very quiet, with few birds moving around. Many net rounds were blank, and the totals from the morning only managed to reach 24, including 2 retraps. This is in stark contrast to the same time in 2015, when 151 birds were caught here. The highlight from the morning was a juvenile male Sparrowhawk.

Totals were: 8 Chiffchaffs, 3 Blackcaps, 1 Wren, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Dunnock, 1 Robin, 2 Great Tits, 6 Blue Tits, and 1 Sparrowhawk.
