
Wednesday 28 August 2024

Holme Pierrepont - Monday 26 August

What else would we do on a bank holiday Monday but go to Skylarks NR? The weather was mostly
calm and sunny, though the breeze picked up a little as the morning progressed. There appeared to be
a lot of birds flitting around the bushes as we set up, and the first couple of net rounds produced
a surprising number of birds (considering the total birds for last week was 12, we weren’t sure
what to expect this week).

We finished up with a total of 69 birds including 8 retraps: Chiffchaff 28, Blackcap 13, Reed
Warbler 10, Lesser Whitethroat 7, Garden Warbler 5, Willow Warbler 3, Wren 1, Song Thrush 1,
Blackbird 1.

Although the numbers of passage warblers was good, it was overall a limited species list with
hardly any resident species. Notably, we didn’t catch any Robins, Dunnocks or tits. 

It was lovely to have two new people, Adele and Rebecca, come along for the morning to
experience bird ringing. They asked really good questions and were so keen to learn more
about each bird species and what we look for when ageing and sexing them.

Josh shared his homemade cinnamon spice cake which was absolutely delicious, and the
blackberries remain plentiful. 


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