
Thursday 5 September 2024

Ramsdale Park Golf Club - Sunday 1 September

It was a surprise to travel into drizzle on my way to Ramsdale early on Sunday as it was forecast to be dry until midday!

By the time we had the nets set, the drizzle had stopped. We put out 5 sound lures including Tree Pipit. We started to catch fairly steadily but then at about 0950, just after a net round and before we had finished processing, the heavens opened. We quickly decided to put the bagged birds we had under cover and headed out to close the nets. About 45 mins later the downpour stopped and we started to open the nets again but with drenched vegetation the birds seemed reluctant to move and we caught little else. 

We took down and headed home with our wet kit, having caught 32 birds, comprising: Blackbird 1, Blackcap 14, Blue Tit 4, Chiffchaff 9, Goldcrest 1, Goldfinch 1, Great Tit 1, Willow Warbler 1.

Having travelled just a couple of miles from Ramsdale I noticed everywhere was dry. Once home I was informed there had not been any rain at all in Toton!


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