
Monday, 10 September 2012

Holme Pierrepont, Sunday 9 September

We ran a session on the Grange side of the Holme Pierrepont site on Sunday. The team consisted of Gary, Jim, Steve, Duncan, Nabegh, Tom and I. The sky was clear from the start and remained that way all morning, so the temperature soon started to rise and the breeze got up late morning. Catching was steady early on but decreased as the temperature started to rise.

This week the majority of the birds came from the nets that were next to tapes, you never can tell with these birds! We ended with 52 birds including 6 retraps, made up of (new/retrap): Wren 1/0, Dunnock 1/0, Robin 1/1, Blackbird 1/0, Sedge Warbler 2/0, Reed Warbler 17/0, Lesser Whitethroat 1/0, Blackcap 13/1, Chiffchaff 2/2, Blue Tit 1/2, Bullfinch 1/0, Reed Bunting 5/0.

Tits and resident species in general were again conspicuous by their near absence and despite many of the warblers having moved on they still made up over 70% of the catch. Overhead at the Holme Pierrepont 'raptor watch point' we saw Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Hobby and a Red Kite.


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