
Sunday 15 March 2015

Granby, Sunday 15 March

The ringing outlook bode well this morning. It being cold and overcast, with lighter than forecast winds. So Alex, Gary and I, together with guest ringers, Kate Moore & Natasja Groenink, quickly got the nets up. The first round produced 13 birds which were mainly Yellowhammers. A decent start, but we only had nine more birds after that and started taking down by 10:30 am. Hard to explain the low numbers, but it was generally quiet bird wise, though the Jays were still about and there are still some winter thrushes flying about.

The oldest of the retraps were: Great Tit from 2011/12; Yellowhammer from 2011/12 and 2012/13. The older male Yellowhammer was interesting in that we've just caught him annually every March since 2012, which suggests he's a fairly local breeder.

Captures were (new/retraps) 22(7/15): Blue Tit 1/4, Chaffinch 1/0, Dunnock 0/1, Great Tit 0/7, Robin 0/1, Yellowhammer 5/2.


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